capture every thought, Victor not victim

so I am at the part of the new testament where it says to capture every thought and make it obedient to Christ. 2 Cor 10:4-5, and realize how I need to stop my thoughts of rage and hurt and punishment and change them into thoughts of blessing and peace, but I seem to be powerless to do that. So I took a first step on it and admitted my powerlessness over my rage and am asking God to restore me to sanity. I give my power away, and if I looked at this clearly, I would see that really, there is nobody to fear. Their threats come from a place of fear and insecurity themselves. If I come from a place of peace and love and forgiveness, I win, even if they don’t see my victory, I win. I am a victor, not a victim.

Galatians goes on to talk about liberty. Remember that movie Amistad by Steven Spielberg? Boring movie, but the lead character is a slave who wants his freedom and he cries in court, “we want free.”  That is the cry of all humanity. Galatians 1: 10 says “am I trying to win the approval of God or man? ”   approval syndrome leads to a form of slavery. “Please like me” because I am so insecure and need that outside approval. What if they don’t like you. What does it matter if you like and accept yourself. Who the hell are they? The goal is not to have power or control over them, but to have power and control of myself and that others respect me. don’t allow yourself to be hypnotized by their attempt and disarming you or hypnotizing you by fear. Have the guts to stand up to those who would want to imprison you because your freedom threatens them. Even Libya is about to get liberated.

on another topic, I can’t stand licorice or coconut, but I like cinnamon and chocolate.

About eagles11eyes

smart, athletic, musical
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